Winget DSC (Desired State Configuration)
What is Desired State Configuration?
Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a management platform in PowerShell that allows you to define the desired state of your IT infrastructure. It ensures that systems automatically conform to this defined state, maintaining consistency and correcting any deviations. This automation reduces manual intervention, enhances reliability, and ensures uniformity across multiple systems.
Key Features of DSC:
- Software Installation: Automatically install or update applications, ensuring users have the necessary tools.
- Service Management: Ensure essential services (like antivirus or backup services) are always running.
- Configuration Settings: Apply and maintain specific system settings, such as network configurations or security policies.
- File Management: Ensure certain files or directories are present and correctly configured.
These tasks help maintain consistency, security, and functionality across user devices with minimal manual intervention.
Differences between PowerShell DSC 2.0 and DSC 3.0
Platform Independence:
Configuration Management:
Local Configuration Manager:
Cross-Platform Support:
These updates in DSC 3.0 make it more flexible and versatile, especially for managing diverse environments and using different scripting languages.
Please be aaware that DSC 3.0 is not yet feature complete and is still in development.
1: Microsoft Learn - PowerShell DSC Overview
2: Microsoft Learn - DSC v3 Overview
Differences between PowerShell DSC and WinGet DSC
PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) and WinGet DSC are both tools for managing system configurations, but they have some key differences:
Platform Dependency:
Scope and Usage:
WinGet DSC leverages PowerShell DSC 3.0, allowing it to use advanced features such as the ability to manage configurations using JSON or YAML files. This integration makes it easier to define and enforce software configurations on Windows devices using the Windows Package Manager.
1: Microsoft Learn - DSC v3 Overview
2: Microsoft Dev Blogs - WinGet configuration Preview
How to get started with WinGet DSC
What can be configured with WinGet DSC?
Configruation Settings
- Windows Explorer
- Dark Mode
- Taskbar
Software Installation
- Winget
- MS Store
- Software Configruations
Powershell Scripts
- Whatever you can think of
Windows Feature installation are not yet supported in WinGet DSC.
How to create a WinGet DSC configuration file
- Create a text file and save it with a
extension. - Open the file in a text editor and add content in the following format:
- Schema (Defines the structure and properties required to configure a resource.)
- Properties (Defines the properties of a resource.)
- Assertions (Defines the conditions that must be met for a configuration to apply.)
- resources
- Resources (Defines the resources that are being configured.)
- resources
- Configuration Version (Defines the version of the configuration.)
Example Code:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
- resource: Microsoft.Windows.Developer/OsVersion
description: Verify min OS version requirement Windows 11 Version 23H2
allowPrerelease: true
MinVersion: '10.0.22631'
- resource: Microsoft.WindowsSandbox.DSC/WindowsSandbox
description: Create Windows Sandbox
allowPrerelease: true
Ensure: Present # Ensure the resource is present
LogonCommand: >
# Define a command to run when the sandbox is started
configurationVersion: 0.2.0
Examle of the above shown WinGet DSC configuration file executing:
How to apply a WinGet DSC configuration file
- Open a PowerShell window and use the following code:
winget configure [filename].dsc.yaml
Your configuration file does not have to be local, it can be a hosted file. This would allow you to apply a configuration file remotely via intune or other means.
Example of the Microsoft Sandbox WinGet DSC configuration file executing:
Example of a WinGet DSC configuration file with many possible configurations
Please be aware that a few configurations need to be run as an administrator (i.e. Installing Powershell Modules).
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
# Windows assertion Section: Defines the conditions that must be met for a configuration to apply
- resource: Microsoft.Windows.Developer/OsVersion
description: Verify min OS version requirement Windows 11 Version 24H2
allowPrerelease: true
MinVersion: '10.0.26200'
# Windows resources Section: Defines the resources that are being configured
# Windows Settings: Enable Dark Mode
- resource: Microsoft.Windows.Developer/EnableDarkMode
description: Enable dark mode
allowPrerelease: true
Ensure: present # [Present, Absent]
# Use caution when setting `RestartExplorer: true` as this will force explorer to close.
RestartExplorer: true # Required to apply changes
# Windows Feature: Hyper-V (Code is correct, but there is a bug with the DSC resource which produces the error "Class not registered")
- resource: PSDscResources/WindowsOptionalFeature
description: Enable Hyper-V
Ensure: present # [Present, Absent]
Name: Microsoft-Hyper-V-All
# Winget: Install VS-Code & YAML extension
- resource: Microsoft.WinGet.DSC/WinGetPackage
id: install-vs-code
description: Install Microsoft Visual Studio Code
allowPrerelease: true
id: Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
source: winget
Ensure: Present
- resource: Microsoft.VSCode.Dsc/VSCodeExtension
id: install_vscode-yaml
- install-vs-code
description: Install YAML extension for VSCode
allowPrerelease: true
Name: redhat.vscode-yaml
Exist: true
# Powershell: Install PowerShell Modules
- resource: PowerShellModule/PSModuleResource
id: install-microsoft.graph
description: Install MS Graph module
allowPrerelease: true
Module_Name: microsoft.graph
Ensure: Present
# MSStore: Install Microsoft Company Portal with Winget
- resource: Microsoft.WinGet.DSC/WinGetPackage
description: Installing Microsoft Company Portal
allowPrerelease: true
securityContext: current
source: msstore
# Powershell Script: Check Autostart for OneDrive
- resource: PSDscResources/Script
id: OneDrive-Autostart
description: Autostart OneDrive
allowPrerelease: true
GetScript: |
# Your custom PowerShell code to check app configuration
TestScript: |
If( (Get-Item HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run).property -contains "OneDrive" ){ return $TRUE } else{ return $FALSE }
SetScript: |
# PowerShell script commands to install VSCode extensions
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "OneDrive" -Value "C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\OneDrive.exe -background"
# Configuration Version: Defines the version of the configuration
configurationVersion: 0.2.0
Where do I find more information and configurations to use?
I have created a list with a few resources you can use to get further information and keep up to date.
Here you can find more Information regarding DSC 3.0 on which the Winget DSC builds: Microsoft Learn - Powershell DSC 3.0
Here you can find further Information and track issues regarding Winget: GitHub - Windows Package Manager Microsoft Repository
Here you can find a few examples of configuration files and further Information regarding Winget here: GitHub - Windows Package Manager Community Repository
Here you can find more Information regarding DSC on which the Winget DSC builds: GitHub - DSC Community Repository
Here you can find the DSC Resources of the PowerShell Gallery: PowerShell Gallery - DSC
Here you can find community module resources: DSC Community and Resource Kit
With the Reverse DSC tool you can create a DSC configuration from a running machine: Microsoft Dev Blog - Reverse Desired State Configuration: How it works
Here you can find instructions from Microsoft on how to author a configuration file: Microsoft Learn - How to author a WinGet Configuration file
Here you can find sample configurations: GitHub - DevHome Sample Configurations for Specific DSC Resource